Movers Servicing TX
Condor Moving Systems
US DOT 1126171 : TX DOT 006041428C
Condor Moving Systems provides you complete moving services and last minute relocation. Whether you are moving from an apartment, home or office.
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Movers Address, Phone, Fax

1031 Ave G
Arlington, TX 76011
Phone: 8774606683
Fax: 8177011587

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BBB Report Link
What is BBB Member or Accreditation?

BBB accredited businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.

BBB accreditation does not mean that the business' products or services have been evaluated or endorsed by BBB, or that BBB has made a determination as to the business' product quality or competency in performing services.

Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation.

Get a Free Quote!


  • Move
  • Easy
  • Reliable
  • Affordable
  • Keep it Safe
  • Licensed and Insured Movers network
  • $699 Move Deals